Digital movie downloads

I recently read someone’s blog post about the challenges of downloading a movie in Windows Media Player format. The movie in that format was not compatible with iTunes, PSP or Zunes. Adobe Air and a snooping Digital Copy Manager that reports on your activities both had to be installed as well. In brief, whoever came up with that didn’t make life easy for you.

Unfortunately, this sort of behaviour happens all too often in other spheres followed by a lack of complaints or action from those on the receiving end. Some companies may offer very poor delivery services; maybe others call you home time and again for one of their surveys; others impose restrictive use on the products they sell. A good example for this case would be the DRM, Digital Rights Management, to stay on-topic. It was initially used to prevent people making multiple copies of CDs they had legally purchased.

While I can understand that the manufacturer wants to protect its assets, in many cases, these restrictions were too heavy and people have rightly protested against them. In many cases, they win.

So today, instead of just accepting your fate, or being resigned to losing out, go out there and complain actively. One person might not make a difference but if enough join and hit a company where it hurts most, change might happen.

So Molly, instead of just being resigned to this ‘restrictive and intrusive DRM’, go out there and vote with your feet.

It’s time to turn active.